How to Choose the Best Shrubs and Hedges for Your Yard

Choosing the Best Shrubs and Hedges for Your Yard Creating a beautiful, well-maintained yard requires planning. Incorporating shrubs and hedges is a great way to add structure, style and privacy to your outdoor space. These plantings can be used on the front or back of your home, in side or corner lots, or pretty much anywhere you need green coverage and architectural interest. It’s not just about choosing the right types of shrubs and hedges for your space; there are several other factors that you need to take into account when choosing which shrubs and hedges work best for your yard….
Types of Flowers to choose for Your Landscaping Project

Types of Flowers to Use in Your Landscaping Project You can create a beautiful and inviting yard with the right landscaping. Whether you’re just getting started or want to add something new, choosing the right type of flowers for your project is important. Different plants will thrive in different environments and under different lighting conditions, so it’s important to think about what you want from your garden before you plant anything. Whether you have a large space or a small one, there are many types of flowers that you can use to turn it into an outdoor oasis. When choosing plants,…
Options for Beautiful and Functional Walkways

Beautiful and Functional Walkways When you think of walkways and walkway surfaces, you probably imagine something uninspiring: cement or asphalt, with few other options. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are many ways to create a functional and beautiful walkway that your guests will love – even if they’re just visiting your home. There are several factors to consider when walking about what kind of surface is best for your home. Things like cost, durability, and whether or not it will be exposed to rain or snow need to be taken into account when choosing a surface. Thankfully,…
6 Types of Stone Walls – Your Guide to Building the Perfect One

Building the Perfect Stone Wall For Your Property There’s something so mesmerizing about stone walls. Their heft, texture, and permanence all come together to create a statement that no other material can achieve. They are some of the most beautiful examples of manmade architecture that we have left. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, stone walls also provide practical benefits as well as visual ones. They help retain soil, prevent erosion and improve the overall aesthetics of any outdoor space. These walls are not just for old European castles or New England vineyards anymore! If you’re thinking about building your own…
Landscape Design Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Landscape Design Mistakes That You Should Avoid Landscape design is an art with its own set of rules and principles. As with any creative discipline, landscape design has its fair share of pitfalls. It’s not uncommon for new designers to make the same mistakes over and over again. In fact, these common pitfalls are so well-known among professionals that they have been given nicknames. Some of the most well-known faux pas include the “five-finger” house (so called because it has a five-pronged front yard) or the see-through house (where you can see straight through the home from one side to the…
Creative Water Features for Different Types of Yards

Creative Water Features for Different Types of Yards There are many different types of yards, from small urban spaces to sprawling country estates. It can be challenging to design a water feature that works in any yard and still feels authentic to its surroundings. However, with a little creativity, nearly any type of space can have an inspiring water feature. Whether your yard is big or small, urban or rural, there is probably something you can do with it to make it more beautiful. There are so many creative ideas out there for different types of yards when it comes to…
The Proper Way to Maintain a Lawn – What You Should and Shouldn’t Do

The Proper Way to Maintain a Lawn – Dos and Don’ts Maintaining a lawn can be a challenge, especially for those who don’t have the time or natural inclination to keep it looking great. For those of us who don’t fall into one of these categories, there are still ways to keep the grass looking its best. With the right amount of maintenance and care, you can have a lawn that is a source of pride rather than an embarrassment. This article will explain what you should be doing in order to maintain your lawn and what you should not do…
Light Up Your Walkways and Yard with These 7 Inspiring Ideas

Inspiring Ways to Light Up Your Walkways and Yard Walkways and yard lighting might not be as fun to think about as a new patio or party lights, but they can have just as much of an impact. After all, the entryway to your home is the first thing guests see when they arrive. And once dark falls outside, you don’t want to stumble over piles of leaves or trip over tree roots. Light up your walkways and yard with these inspiring ideas for lighting. Lighting is a great way for you to set the mood for different activities throughout the…
7 Ways to Use Rocks in Your Landscaping for Maximum Beauty and Function

Using Rocks in Your Landscaping for Maximum Beauty and Function You don’t need a green thumb to create a beautiful landscape. All you need are the right plants, rock, and soil to make it come to life. Landscaping with rocks adds visual appeal and natural beauty to your home or business. It also functions as a natural barrier against weeds, erosion, and natural phenomena such as floods or hurricanes. When used correctly, rocks can add a sense of peace and tranquility to your outdoor space. They can help control water runoff in case of flooding or excessive rainfall, provide habitat for…